My Mission as a Global Ambassador for human empowerment is to share my knowledge and visions of entrepreneurship by facilitating other’s dreams becoming a reality.
My Vision is to provide practical Business Branding and mentor-ship which help individuals and organizations achieve a higher level of accomplishment by building skill sets through Digital Media Profile Creation.
My Goal is to continue growing my quest towards set developement milestones, while helping others to atain their highest potential by providing mentorship and training to the youth in the community.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts
Davies Chirwa is an Award Winning Global Ambassador for human empowerment, Media influencer expert and a visionary of serial entrepreneurship. He is the Founder of Channel A TV/ DC Productions Media Group and a Celebrity Film Producer. His Exclusive Media Productions include the prestigious documentaries featuring President Obama, NFL Super Bowls, MTV Awards, BET Awards, U.S Soccer, NBA, Seattle Seahawks, UW Huskies Football, Seattle Sounders, We Day, AVP Volleyball, FIFA Soccer plus many more.

Belive in Yourself.
Everything You Ever Wanted is on the other side your own Fears!! Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.
BIOGRAPHYMy Media Portfolio
With many years of tremendous hard work, Davies Chirwa has had media accreditation platforms from distinguished organizations to reach a high level of recognition in both local and international communities. His masterful work includes featured professional video coverage, TV documentaries, Music Videos and professional photojournalism.
Media Production
Davies Chirwa collaborates with many production companies, studios, and production teams to provide media realms of performing arts, film, television, radio, comics, interactive arts, video games, websites, and music videos.
Film Production
Davies Chirwa film production skills and experience involves many aspects of producing audio and video content that is used in commercials, movies, online and other digital platforms. He also specializes in video equipment operation as well as video editing.
Music Production
The advancement of Technology has allowed Davies Chirwa to creatively merge his talents. “I started with event Production and developed some skills as a DJ. I used my exposure to Music and became a Music Producer.”
I offer a range of variuos technical services including Video Production, Web development, Photography and Branding of Corporations, Businesses and Individuals.
Branding is a collection of important marketing concepts which quicklt tells a story of individuals or businesses. My clients include but not limited to Businesses, Non Profit Organizations, Politicians, Motivational Speakers, Actors, Artists, Athletes, Musicians and Models.
With many years of experience, l offer professional services in digital video production, photography, television and film, production plus post production editing. These componets include tasks such as setting up scenes, lighting, capture of raw footage, and usage of advanced set technical designs customized to clients needs.
Technology has important effects on business operations. No matter the size of your enterprise, technology is the driving backbone to success. I use Media Technology an intermediary tool to create opportunities for my clients potray the message of their business vision as well as transport information to tell the story of their brand. These tools include, both Digital Media and Social Media.
My philanthropic efforts include personalized charity enhencement giving which focuses on eliminating challenges caused by social problems and economic problems. My projects endeavor to benefit the less fortunate in various sectors such as education, technology, research, homlessness, hunger and poverty.
The Secret of Success
Success is NOT measured in comparison to others. Therefore, Start where you are. Use what you have, do what you can. I begun my journey inspired by a thought of knowing that failure will never overtake me, if my determination to succeed is stronger than my fears.
My Programs include matching youth mentors and mentees who need help in variuos sectors of life including educational, social and economical aspects.
Being a “Celebrity Photographer/Videographer” has been my path through my subset of photojournalism which consists of various celebrities in Music, Arts and Sports.
My community advocacy is influenced by my passion for things which affect my surroundings such as humnity, animals and the environment. As an dvocate l partner with special interest groups to promote Equity and Social Justicel for all.
As a film director, I use my platform to reflect positivity by producting film and documentaries which inspire others. Having the artistic creative control allows me to influence thoughts by highlighting visuals of hope and resilience.
Meet The Man in The Mirror
I believe true full human potential is reached when opportunity and hope meet. Throughout my journey, l have been blessed to be a witness of the lows and highs life has to offer in order to experience real transformational change.
I take pride in mentoring others. My elements include components of a programs such as tutoring or life skills training and coaching. With access to sustainabity platforms, l help youth form relationships formed with professional mentors and mentees to both immediate and long-term commitments from both parties.
Education is the key to any level of success. It is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. With my experience and platform, l use Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research to benefit the community.
Empowering women and young ladies is powerful. Today, we know it is the key to economic growth, political stability, and social transformation. Thats is why l take the time to volunteer and provide my services to causes of supportive platforms.
Without Technology, our programs could not be as effective. We us it as a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and the extracting of materials through various mediums such as education, communication and digital story-telling.
Executive Testimonials
Don’t take my word for it – here’s what our Governemnt Elected Officials say:
Davies uses his skillset in media technology to contribute to the community tirelessly. I was introduced to Davies by former City Counselor Greg Taylor and it’s been an honor to work with him on many projects over the years.

11th Legislative District, SENATOR
Davies’ story has inspired many. I have witnessed his compassion to serve the community for many years. Thats why l appointed him to be a Board Member of the Kent Cultural Communities Board.

Former Mayor, CITY OF KENT
I have known Davies over 7 years now. Our friendship started while l was a Deputy Mayor for SEATAC. l became Mayor and later a State Representative. Davies has always been there to support me and the community.

33rd Legislative District, STATE REPRESENTATIVE
Celebrity Media Caption
Our extensive media platform gives me the opportunity to work with numerous Celebrities from different sectors and genres to enhence my voice and influence on importatnt issues such as Equity and Social Justice. I use technological tools and avenues of social influence through mass media broadcasting, social media, print media publishing, press reporting, cinema/ video production and photojournalism. For bookings, please email me at

Davies Chirwa with Hip Hop Artist, Lil’ Wayne
Super Bowl LI in Houston

Davies Chirwa with Dance Hall Artist, Sean Paul
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Davies Chirwa with NFL Player, Richard Sherman
Seattle, Washington

Davies Chirwa with NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell
Super Bowl XLVIII, New York

Davies Chirwa with R & B Singer, Brian McKnight
Seattle, Washington

Davies Chirwa with R & B Singer, Genuwine
Spokane, Washington

Davies Chirwa with R & B Singer, Bobby Brown
Seattle, Washington

Davies Chirwa with R & B Singer, Keith Sweat
Spokane, Washington
Charity Projects
DAVIES CHIRWA creates numerous projects to support the youth and other local and international nonprofit Organizations. His priority is to engage the community through Macro and Micro Sustainability Projects, Ecosystems, Humanitarian and Philanthropic efforts. He believes making meaningful, measurable change within the key areas of community develepment framework can save many lives from one generation to another. If you have the edge to help someone in any area, please check out our opportunities and learn how we can contribute to you or your organization make progress toward these global missions.

College Internship Programs
Through Education, we find increased Power of Community-initiated efforts which strengthened the students by creating practicle oppoturnities for them. These effective strategies leading to systemic change are demonstrated academics success involve our partnership with variuos High Schools and Colleges not only in our neibourhood but accross the globe. Davies Chirwa therefore, volunteers his time to teach students in capacities of Media Technology, Business and Social Entreprenueship.
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Community Mentorship Programs
Through our community supportes and partners, we propose, create and implement metorship programs which work to strengthen or deepen relationships and networks by matching “Big Brothers” with the youth. These efforts are facilitated by the use of technology to increase engagement and the power and leadership and cultural influence.
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Community Development Programs
Through our Non Profit Organization CHANNEL A TV, we supports grassroots efforts that lead to increased engagement, power and influence of community members affected by poverty and racial disparities. Our primary focus is on efforts led by people from under-served communities such as communities of color, black, indigenous, immigrant/refugee and low income communities.
learn moreMy Latest Blog
My latest blogs include caption of my humanitatrian efforts, documentaries and inspirational behind scenes footage with celebrities such as athelets, artists, models, musicians and elected officials
Why Not You?
Charity Work Top 10 Reasons Everyone Should Do It There are 1.4 million non-profit organizations registered as charities in the United States, or approximately 1 for every 300 people, according[…]
Read moreWe Day Coverage
WE Day is an unparalleled celebration of young people committed to making a difference. WE Schools is the yearlong program that nurtures compassion in young people and gives them the[…]
Be the best
Version of You Can Be Write the Capter of your own Life!!
When asked about the highlight of his life, DAVIES CHIRWA referred to his accreditation from the U.S Department of State to represent his community during the U.S – AFRICA LEADERSHIP SUMMIT in Washington DC, as a once in a lifetime opportunity. During the summit, he directed and Produced TV documentaries for President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry as well as many Presidents from Africa and other high ranking Government Officials who were featured at the White House.
Enjoy the best
Professional Sports Media Coverage CHANNEL A TV
DC Productions Media Group
Davies Chirwa has Directed and Produced many prestigious film and video documentaries for Sports events such as The NFL Super bowl XLVIII/ XLIX/50/51/52, U.S National Soccer for MLS/FIFA World Cup, Seattle Seahawks, Seattle Sounders, AVP Volleyball , U.S Rugby plus more.

Contact Me
To consistently connect with me, please e-mail me, subscribe to my channel and follow me on all Social Media Platforms @davieschirwa
Connect with me to experience studio
Behind The Scenes
unforgetable moments
Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossibleStart by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

Quality Control Counters
With the Internet spreading linke wildfire and reaching every part of our daily life, more and more traffic is directed to websites in search for information.
Technology Optimization
Education & Training
Quality Service